The History of the Silmarrils up to the Dagor Bragollach
(greatly abridged, get the book)

In the beginning there was Eru, who is the one. He created the Valar, who are the rulers of the world, The two greatest of these were Manwe and Melkor. Then was Ulmo, Varda, Aule, and Yavanna, and many more besides, which do not come into this tale. Manwe and Melkor were brothers in thought and might, but Manwe was faithful to Eru, while Melkor desired domination over all the earth, and was evil.

Now the children of Eru were the elves and the men, the firstborn and the followers, and the elves did not die, except to sword and sorrow, while the men died and passed out of this world. This was the gift of men, which has become clouded in evil. Aule, desiring the children to come sooner, created Dwarves, but Eru did not let them walk on the earth untill the Elves had come.

And Melkor dug for himself great dungeons in the north, Utnmo it was called, and gathered lesser evil spirits around him. But the Valar, not wanting the Elves to come into this darkness, attacked Utnmo and overthrew it, and bound Melkor in chains, and took him back to their isle.

Then the elves woke on the earth, under the stars. And the Valar, desiring their friendship, summoned them to their isle. Many came, in three hosts. The Vanyar, the Noldor, and the Teleri. And three came as emissaries to see the light that was before the sun and the moon. That light was the trees, which gave the most beautiful light ever on the earth. Then they returned to bring their people to the Isle of Valar.

But along the trip, one of these three, Elwe by name, saw Melian, a lesser Valar. They loved each other, and he remained with her. He alone of the elves on Middle-earth had seen the light of the trees, and he changed his name to Elu Thingol, and a high doom was before him. And many of his people remained and became the Sindar, the Gray elves.

Now the rest of the Elves came to the Isle, and dwelt there on Tirion on Tuna. There they grew great and fair in the light of the trees. The Noldor come most into this tale, and so their lineage is of concern. Finwe was king, and his first wife was Miriel. Miriel gave birth to Feanor, but died of sorrow afterwards. So Finwe married again, to Indis. And the sons of Indis were Fingolfin and Finfarin. Feanor was mighty in word and skill. He made the Silamils, gems, which captured the light of the trees. He was greedy of them however, and loved them with a passion.

But the sentence of Melkor was over, and he was brought forth to be judged. And Manwe pardoned him. And so the light of the earth was dimmed, though Melkor bided his time and seemed fair and good. Yet he spread lies and deceit among the Elves. And when he judged that his time was right he killed the trees, stole the Silmarils, and killed also Finwe, who stood against him. Then he fled back to the ruins of Utnmo.

And Feanor was filled with a holy passion. Speaking before the Noldor he charged them to go forth and follow Melkor into the earth, and he first named him Morgoth, black foe of the world! His speech was great indeed, and set the hearts of the Noldor aflame. Then he and his 7 sons swore an oath to reclaim the Silmarils at all costs. And all the Noldor set out to Middle-Earth.

They defied the command of the Valar in this, and were cursed by Mandos, Valar of doom. They came to the shore however, where the Teleri were with ships. Then, when they refused to lend ships, the Noldor killed them and stole the ships. Then Finfarin and his people turned back, but his sons followed still. Then Feanor, in his madness, left behind Fingolfin and his people, and continued on his way. But Fingolfin followed by land around the north.

Then Feanor came to Beleraind, and assulted Morgoth in his new fortress of Angband. The forces of evil were driven before the swords of the elves, but Feanor was surrounded and killed, and his sons retreated and set up realms. And they met Elu Thingol, who would not offer them aid, but shut a magical border around his forest of Doriath.

Then as Morgoth prepared an assault, Fingolfin and his sons came into Beleraind, and at the same hour the sun rose in the East, and the hosts of Morgoth were driven back again. Then all the Elven princes set up realms for their people and kept watch upon Angband, which was silent. Then in time men and dwarves came also, and Gray Elves, and allied themselves with the Noldor, but many men joined Morgoth.

Thus stands Beleraind. The princes of Noldor contend with each other. Morgoth gathers strength in the north, and the Sindar and Thingol trust not any of the High Elves. But one night, Morgoth's forces issued out of the gate of Angband, and rivers of flames, and the battle of Sudden Flame had begun! Enjoy.

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