*                 Round C Prizes and Awards, Part 7:                 *
*                                                                    *
*                   THE WARLORDS II HALL OF FAME                     *
*                                                                    *
*  "Honoring those who proved mightiest -- with pen or with sword."  *

*** Warlords of the World (Top 16):  Best strategic rankings

Rank - Alias                -                 Real Name 
  1    Isc / Knight Isc / Lord Isc            Iskander Umarov
  2    Hegemon / The Untouchables / Beyaryn   Bob Heeter
  3    Duke of Death                          Bill Irwin
  4    Falcon                                 Andrey Muravyov
  5    Gor Bonecracker                        Matthew Wellens
  6    Legion of Doom                         David Abrahamsson
  7    Hunzo / The Prophet                    Issa Oraha
  8    Avenger                                Keiran Downie
  9    Lord Amaranth / Wat Tyler              Barry Brook
 10    Lovesword                              Kent Storey
 11    Gem                                    Jim Panagos
 12    Little Puppy, Slayer of Dragons ...    David Hauri
 13    Apache                                 Roger Holmes
 14    Commando                               Nico Hofmeester
 15    ZAK / Lord Gumby / Rhonda              Zak Klobucher
 16    Kalten                                 Mikhail Langer

*** Roleplayers' Hall of Fame:  Best stories

This section provides some informal rankings based on the 
roleplaying prize nominations and voting.  The rankings were
based on a point system.

Points were given out either for Best Actor or Best Picture for
a round, but not both.  Each player got the higher of the two 
scores for that round.  Where the points were equal, only the
Best Actor nomination was noted.

Best Actor scoring:
* Earn a Nomination for Best Actor:  1 point 
* Receive a Best Actor vote from any Prize Guru:  1 more point
* Earn "Best Actor Emeritus" status:  same as getting a vote.
* Win Best Actor for a given Round:  1 more point (3 maximum)

Best Picture scoring:
* Earn a Nomination for Best Picture: 0 points
* Receive a vote for Best Picture from any Prize Guru:  1 point
* Win Best Picture for a given Round:  1 more point (2 maximum)

(The idea is that Best Picture is a group effort, and a Best Picture
winner is sharing in the glory of that group, whereas a Best Actor winner
is clearly gaining points for his own individual effort.)

The Hall of Fame is listed below, with the players sorted
by total points.  Players with the same point total are 
listed alphabetically by alias.  Not only does this list
honor those who wrote great stories, but it also provides
a guide to the roleplays that were considered the most worthy
of being read by everyone.  We hope you enjoy them as much
as we did! 
     - The Prize Committee

Rank-Points-Aliases             -             Nominations, Votes, and Awards
 1*    7    Dark Lord Pi                      Best Actor Winner, A14
                                              Best Actor Emeritus, B12, C09
 2*    6    Little Puppy                      Best Picture Winner, A10 
                                              Best Actor Emeritus, B09
                                              Best Actor vote-getter, C07
 3*    4    Apache                            Best Actor vote-getter, B09,C05
 3*    4    Avenging Angel / Masked Avenger   Best Actor vote-getter, A17,C08
 3*    4    Bottom Burp                       Best Actor vote-getter, A16,B12
 3*    4    Captain Picard / The Federation   Best Picture Winner, B02
                                              Best Actor vote-getter, C02
 3*    4    Lord Gumby/Rhonda                 Best Actor vote-getter, B07
                                              Best Picture Winner, C04
 8*    3    Avenger                           Best Actor vote-getter, A09
                                              Best Picture vote-getter, C06
 8*    3    Lord Lucky                        Best Actor nominee, A35
                                              Best Actor vote-getter, C12
 8*    3    Magnus                            Best Actor nominee, A07
                                              Best Actor vote-getter, B04
 8*    3    The Prophet                       Best Actor Winner, C09
 8*    3    ShirKhan                          Best Actor Winner, B12
 8*    3    The Untouchables / Beyaryn        Best Actor nominee, B05
                                              Best Picture Winner, C04  
 8*    3    The Wall                          Best Picture Winner, B02
                                              Best Actor nominee, C06
 8*    3    Ythorm Carstik                    Best Actor nominee, A26
                                              Best Actor vote-getter, C12
 16*   2    Bosquito                          Best Picture Winner, A10      
 16*   2    Celeborn the Wise                 Best Picture Winner, A10  
 16*   2    Falcon                            Best Actor vote-getter, A25
 16*   2    Gem                               Best Picture vote-getter,B09,C06
 16*   2    Gor Bonecracker                   Best Picture Winner, A10
 16*   2    Hillbillies                       Best Picture Winner, B02
 16*   2    Iceman                            Best Picture Winner, C04
 16*   2    Jareth bar Belford / Arlis        Best Actor nominee, B06,C07
 16*   2    Kamevil/Raider                    Best Actor vote-getter, B10/B12
 16*   2    Piglet                            Best Actor nominee, A04,B04
 16*   2    Professor Patrick                 Best Picture vote-getter,A17,C09
 16*   2    Rorqual                           Best Picture Winner, C04
 16*   2    Steve the Giant                   Best Actor nominee, A23,B17
 16*   2    The Upper Class                   Best Picture Winner, B02
 30*   1    Dionysos                          Best Actor nominee, C02
 30*   1    Duncan MacLeod                    Best Picture vote-getter, B04
 30*   1    Gandalf the White                 Best Actor nominee, C06
 30*   1    KlownKiller                       Best Picture vote-getter, C09
 30*   1    L'ennemi du Bien                  Best Actor nominee, A17
 30*   1    Lord Vetinari                     Best Picture vote-getter, B09
 30*   1    Small Player                      Best Picture vote-getter, B04
 30*   1    Wat Tyler                         Best Actor nominee, C15

*** Special Honors:

Since a number of players won awards both for being in the Top 16
and for roleplaying exploits, several players have offered to forego
their second prize in order to better honor others who have made special
efforts throughout the tournament.  

* Special Award to Small Player (C02)

Small Player was the youngest player in the tournament, and it showed.
In a Tournament that had a goodly share of supposedly fearsome 
so-called Warlords who dropped out as soon as the war went against them,
he always stood his ground and never gave up.  Though his tactical skills
are still improving and his final ranking is not -- yet -- among 
the highest, he nonetheless outranks many by virtue of his persistence
and fearlessness.  Where others fled in terror, he has steadily learned
from his defeats.  Though his armies were thrice defeated, Small Player's
dedication to the game will survive in legends forevermore!  

* Special Award to Piglet:

Although technically he came in #17, Piglet's strategic brilliance
and usually-gentlemanly behavior (except perhaps for a certain 
incident of debatable betrayal in Round B :) ) earned the respect
of friends and foes alike.  In addition, his development of the WarBOT
deserves recognition by all Warlords of the World!  But most of all,
Piglet wins a prize because (due to one other who chose not to play in
Round E) he is one of the sixteen Warlords fighting for the top spot, 
and may yet be crowned the World's Greatest Warlord - especially given
the latest news from his game against Lord Isc!

* Special Roleplaying Awards:

Several players made consistently impressive roleplaying efforts,
and ranked very highly in the Roleplayers' Hall of Fame due to their
many nominations, yet somehow never quite earned either a roleplaying 
or strategic (Top 16) prize.  We want to honor them here.  

Congratulations to:
    Avenging Angel / Masked Avenger
    Bottom Burp
    Lord Lucky
and Ythorm Carstik!!!!!!