*                 Round B Prizes and Awards, Part 9:                 *
*                                                                    *
*                     ROLE-PLAYERS' HALL OF FAME                     *
*                                                                    *
* "The pen is mightier than the sword - but whose pen is mightiest?" *

This section provides some informal rankings based on the 
roleplaying prize nominations and voting.  The rankings were
based on a point system.

Points were given out either for Best Actor or Best Picture for
a round, but not both.  Each player got the higher of the two 
scores for that round.  Where the points were equal, only the
Best Actor nomination was noted.

Best Actor scoring:
* Earn a Nomination for Best Actor:  1 point 
* Receive a Best Actor vote from any Prize Guru:  1 more point
* Earn "Best Actor Emeritus" status:  same as getting a vote.
* Win Best Actor for a given Round:  1 more point (3 maximum)

Best Picture scoring:
* Earn a Nomination for Best Picture: 0 points
* Receive a vote for Best Picture from any Prize Guru:  1 point
* Win Best Picture for a given Round:  1 more point (2 maximum)

(The idea is that Best Picture is a group effort, and a Best Picture
winner is sharing in the glory of that group, whereas a Best Actor winner
is clearly gaining points for his own individual effort.)

The Hall of Fame is listed below, with the players sorted
by total points.  Players with the same point total are 
listed alphabetically by alias.  Not only does this list
honor those who wrote great stories, but it also provides
a guide to the roleplays that were considered the most worthy
of being read by everyone.  We hope you enjoy them as much
as we did!  (The list will be updated after Round C, of course.)
     - The Prize Committee

Points - Aliases       -      Nominations, Votes, and Awards
  5      Dark Lord Pi         Best Actor Winner, A14
                              Best Actor Emeritus, B12
  4      Little Puppy         Best Picture Winner, A10  
                              Best Actor Emeritus, B09
  4      Bottom Burp          Best Actor vote-getter, A16
                              Best Actor vote-getter, B12
  3      Magnus               Best Actor nominee, A07
                              Best Actor vote-getter, B04
  3      ShirKhan             Best Actor Winner, B12
  2      Apache               Best Actor vote-getter, B09
  2      Avenger              Best Actor vote-getter, A09
  2      Avenging Angel       Best Actor vote-getter, A17
  2      Bosquito             Best Picture Winner, A10      
  2      Captain Picard       Best Picture Winner, B02
  2      Celeborn the Wise    Best Picture Winner, A10  
  2      Falcon               Best Actor vote-getter, A25
  2      Gor Bonecracker      Best Picture Winner, A10
  2      Hillbillies          Best Picture Winner, B02
  2      Kamevil/Raider       Best Actor vote-getter, B10/B12
  2      Lord Gumby           Best Actor vote-getter, B07
  2      Piglet               Best Actor nominee, A04, B04
  2      Steve the Giant      Best Actor nominee, A23, B17
  2      The Upper Class      Best Picture Winner, B02
  2      The Wall             Best Picture Winner, B02
  1      Duncan MacLeod       Best Picture vote-getter, B04
  1      Gem                  Best Picture vote-getter, B09
  1      Jareth bar Belford   Best Actor nominee, B06
  1      L'ennemi du Bien     Best Actor nominee, A17
  1      Lord Lucky           Best Actor nominee, A35
  1      Lord Vetinari        Best Picture vote-getter, B09
  1      Professor Patrick    Best Picture vote-getter, A17
  1      Small Player         Best Picture vote-getter, B04
  1      The Untouchables     Best Actor nominee, B05  
  1      Ythorm Carstik       Best Actor nominee, A26