Detecting Bonus Cheats

Last updated 21-June-97 by Bob Heeter

Remember, it is your responsibility as a defender to check every battle report sent to you and make sure it is correct. This means more than simply verifying the units listed in the battle report - you ought to re-enter battles in WarBOT yourself to confirm that the probabilities are right.

For instance, suppose an elephant and a light infantry go after a griffin in a city with 2 builds. The following WarBOT report *looks* genuine:

CHEAT:  Terrain:  Enemy city 1 or 2 prod
CHEAT:  BONUS  Total   Fortify   non    hero   -enemy   city   Cancel
CHEAT:  AT       0        0       0       0        1            
CHEAT:  DF       1        0       0       0        0      1     
CHEAT:                Entered   Modified
CHEAT:  Attack Units  Strength  Strength  Winning %
CHEAT:  Elephant          6         6     0.54376
CHEAT:  Infantry, Lt      2         3     0.18257
CHEAT:  Defense Units:
CHEAT:  Griffin           6         8     0.45624
CHEAT:  Attacker win with  1 units remaining

However, if you were to reroll the battle yourself, you'd discover that it's not a victory after all! See:

Terrain:  Enemy city 1 or 2 prod

BONUS  Total   Fortify   non    hero   -enemy   city   Cancel
AT       0        0       0       0        1            
DF       1        0       0       0        0      1     

              Entered   Modified
Attack Units  Strength  Strength  Winning %
Elephant          6         6     0.49010
Infantry, Lt      2         3     0.11308

Defense Units:
Griffin           6         8     0.50990

Defender win with  1 units remaining

What happened here is that our hypothetical attacker put in a *3* for the *base strength* of the light infantry, so that WarBOT rolled the battle with the light infantry as a 3 + 1 = 4. And the probabilities shown in the CHEAT version are correct - for a 6 and 4 attacking an 8! But for the actual battle of a 6 and a 3 on an 8, they're WRONG! In other words, the cheater rolled the wrong battle, and then edited the numbers shown for the light infantry to reflect their expected values, WITHOUT CHANGING THE PROBABILITIES!

Since it looks *plausible* that a 6 and a 3 might beat an 8 - and in fact the elephant only falls 1% short of surviving - a naive defender who accepted battle reports on faith would have unnecessarily surrendered a griffin AND a city! DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU! CONFIRM ALL WARBOT REPORTS! :)